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Fire & Water

You are hot, sharp, fiery in nature.

You have a quick tongue, but are easy to forgive.

You look for acknowledgement, perfection, and soothing.

You are compassionate, passionate, and full of good advice.

Your skin is sensitive like your heart.

Often you are prone to rashes, allergies, irritated skin, sun burn, and dehydration.

Oily skin can increase congested pores and acne.

Avoid hot, pungent, spicy food and people. Keep cool, clear minded, practice patience with yourself and others.

Remember that the goal is love, not perfection. As a visionary, see the world as a place of opportunity and hope.

A logo for the Pitta Dosha type

Pitta Morning Rituals

  1. Keep Cool

    a. By wearing light pastel colours

    b. By drinking refreshing beverages like young coconut water, cucumber water

    c. Eat raw foods adding fresh mint and coriander

    d. By avoiding excess activities, exercise or confrontation between the hours of noon and 3pm when the sun is hottest

  2. Avoid multitasking, confrontations and arguments, over achieving, over analyzing, or anything that will overheat you, body or mind.

  3. Sooth yourself by being around soothing, gentle people.

  4. Begin your Pitta reducing yoga program.

  5. Bath using Pitta Ayurveda Bath Salts. During this bath bring your awareness to things you wish to release. Let go and set your intention of the day.

  6. Massage your body with the Pitta Ayurveda Body Oil and Pitta Scalp oil.

  7. Begin Rituals for Rejuvenation skincare regime

    a. Cleanse with Balancing Cleanser

    b. Create an exfoliant with the Pitta Ayurveda masque as needed. Use a half tsp of formula with 1 tbsp of raw organic yogurt. Leave on the face for 5 to 10 mins. Gently rub into skin, then rinse off.

    c. Spray the Toner Liquid Nectar and mix a half pump of the Rejuvenation Serum into it. If you skin is overly oily use the Pita Acne Serum.

    e. Apply half pump of the Renewal Cream.

    f. Apply the Lotus Eyes, eye cream

Pitta Night Rituals

  1. Cleanse with the Balancing Cleanser (if skin is sensitive and has redness or inflammation). Mix with a tsp of yogurt to cool and soothe the skin even more. Rinse off.

  2. Spray Liquid Nectar

  3. Take a half pump of either the Rejuvenation Serum or Pitta Acne Serum and massage into face. Can be mixed with Liquid Nectar for more hydration and less oil.

    4. Use a half pump of renewal cream and massage into face and neck.

    5. Apply Lotus Eye Cream

Pitta Additional Rituals

  1. Apply the Pitta Ayurveda Masque with half tsp twice weekly or as needed.

  2. Mix with 2 tbsp or yogurt or aloe vera. Leave on for 10-20 minutes.

  3. Rinse off.

  4. Follow with Liquid Nectar.

Shiva Perfume for Pitta

This Ritual perfume cools the Pitta dosha and balances chakras 3 (Manipurna – the naval center) and 6 (Ajna – the third eye). It unblocks dull and stagnant energies at the naval centre and promotes deep states of meditation and clairvoyance.

It’s healing essence of coconut attar symbolizes the mind, and cools the inner fire, helping to encourage the transmutation of lower energies into higher states of awareness.

Shiva is crafted using a combination of cooling essences: Sandalwood, Sundanese black coconut attar, Sudanese black rose, and kush attar. These ingredients are blended into Andrea Olivera’s Ritual Blend floral bouquet water base.