The Muladhara Chakra
Our Root, Our Tribe, Our Ancestors.
~ Sanskrit meaning ~
Mula: Root
Ahhara: Foundation, Base, Support
#1 The Root Chakra

Base of the Spine: Coccygeal Plexus, Vertabrae 1-2-3
Bija Seed Sound: Lam
Element: Earth, Tattva
Sense: Smell
Color: Red
Deities: The Goddess Dakini

Lotus Blossom
Four Petals representing
1. Mind
2. Intellect
3. Consciousness
4. Ego
In the center of our tailbone sits the bija (seed) of pure potentiality. This bija (seed) lays dormant deep in the earth, the root of our consciousness. The seeds of our past deeds and misdeeds known as our Prarabdha Karma lay dormant waiting for the time (Kala the serpent of time) to awaken.
The 7 trunks of the Elephant represent our 7 hidden spiritual treasures, the 7 Dhatus; Tissues of the Body, 7 Gems and minerals found in the earth and the 7 Levels of
Consciousness waiting to be awakened.
- Unconsciousness
- Subconsciousness
- Dream Consciousness
- Waking Consciousness
- Astral Consciousness
- Supreme Consciousness
- Cosmic Consciousness
The root of our consciousness from our childhood to our previous past lives lay in an unconscious state.
To awaken awareness brings us out of the darkness of negative emotions such as fears, insecurity, doubt, disillusions, phobias, and the seeds of our Prarabdha Karmas our misdeeds and that of our family.
Our tribal roots and their legacies keep the pain of the past. Traumas block our consciousness from transforming inherited obstacles out of the darkness into the light of self-evolution.
Here begins our spiritual unfoldment and the shedding of the past. As we move upwards towards union with our true self, we travel through the next doorways of consciousness.

Balance your Muladhara Chakra with Ganesha perfume.
May the energy of the Ritual scent of Ganesha invite the experience of freedom and release. This Ritual scent stabilizes the first or Muladhara chakra.
The Ritual scent of Ganesha is crafted with a fresh blend of sweet citrus and chocolate attar essences to first increase our mental clarity which…

Andrea is a pioneering figure in the field of Ayurveda beauty, and has dedicated her life to the study of Ayurveda, Jyotish, Yoga and the Vedic Sciences. Over 30 years ago, Andrea began her career as a make-up artist and aesthetician, and was one of the first Canadians in her field to incorporate Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedic Astrology and Eastern wellness practices into her spa treatments and services. Today, she is one of Canada’s leading Ayurveda beauty and wellness specialists and educators.